Wednesday, April 23, 2008

America, here we come! (Again)

Two nights ago, we had a house-guest avoiding a paper on our couch. No matter how much coffee and cake I fed her, she still had trouble staying awake through the horrifyingly boring article she had to read for her Engineering and Ethics class. Mike and I were also full of coffee (me) and cake (him), so we stayed up for a bit, to encourage her.

"I know!" I said. "I'll write something!"

I should point out now that the above quote is the last thing I wrote that night. I just went back, added the opening "two nights ago" and changed (hopefully) all of the verb tenses.

It was so easy to write when we were on the road. Part of that was because every time we turned around there was something new and unexpected: a man with no pants. A mirrored jelly bean. Snow. But I think the main reason is simply a matter of routine. On the road, we'd pull in to a hotel parking lot, drag our bags upstairs, and immediately start writing. We'd look through pictures and post our blargs, sometimes basking in an overabundance of wireless internet and sometimes swapping a cord or sharing a lappy. In any case, getting the blarg written was an essential part of the trip.

At home, there are so many other things to do! Literally a wall of DVDs to watch, hundreds of books to read, and gorgeous SoCal weather to bask in. And, more importantly, two comfy couches with siren calls that put you to sleep faster than a Jigglypuff. Our time at home has been busy, of course, with more stuff even than we anticipated. But it's also been filled with a lot of unfinished blargs, unscheduled naps, and cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Not that I'm complaining. Cake is tasty! And appropriate for any (and every) meal!

Well, tomorrow we're catching a plane (three actually) for St. Louis, where we'll be reunited with The Blue Hornet. From there? Well, we haven't really decided yet. We're currently parked about six hours south of our original route, and we've got about three weeks in which to forge a new one.

You can bet I'll be writing about it: tomorrow, SharBlarg goes back to being a daily. I'm off to pack... see you in St. Louis!

And don't forget to check out Mike's blog. He's a mere 10 stories away from being done with his grand experiment!

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