Thursday, March 20, 2008

Reason #Billion that this road trip is gonna be off da hizzle!

Mike just did a Ticketmaster search for events in Portland while we're in town. And! Guess what's opening the night before we get there?

Tickets: purchased. This is going to be the best thing ever! EVER!!!!!

If you're not familiar with Too Much Coffee Man, this is really your loss. He now exists mostly as a webcomic, but he started out as an indy comic, first self-published by Shannon Wheeler, and eventually picked up for a few color issues by Dark Horse. And he's awesome. He's a superhero of sorts (in that he wears spandex and occasionally interferes in other people's lives), but mostly he's just weird. When you add his friends Too Much Espresso Guy and Too Much German White Chocolate Woman with Almonds into the mix, you know it'll be an adventure.

And might I add that Mike is the freaking awesomest? He was so excited to tell me when he found this that he was giggling like a little kid. And you think it's because he wants to see a tenor sing TMCM arias? I doubt it. Reason #1 that this road trip is gonna be off the hizzle: best co-pilot ever.

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